SignalHire - find email or phone number

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SignalHire Chrome extension works on LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, and GitHub to provide you with anyone's emails and phone numbers.

SignalHire is the best way to find anyone's contact details in a single click. SignalHire is compatible with Gmail, Outlook, LinkedIn, Facebook, GitHub.

SignalHire may find up-to-date phone numbers, personal emails, and social media for practically anyone on the web.

Our 96% hit rate may be the highest at the market, check it out and compare it with: Snovio, Rapportive, ContactOut, Connectifier, Hiretual, Prophet, Lusha, RocketReach, 360Social, Email, FTL, or any other email finder!


Is used by thousands as a 5-star email finder

Works on LinkedIn, Facebook, GitHub, Twitter

Our extension allows you to find 100% up-to-date and verified contact information for anyone from anywhere on the web

Supports direct export of found contacts to a bunch of ATSs and CRMs such as Zoho Recruit, Zoho CRM, Vincere, PCRecruiter, CATSone, Compass (An Avionte Business), Taleo, Recruitee,, to name a few. More integrations are yet to come

SignalHire FREE subscription:

5 free contact credits from month to month!

One credit allows you to find cell & business phone numbers and personal & work emails, for one business profile


Starting from only $49 per month!

3 different subscriptions depending on your needs

We offer customized monthly/yearly plans, starting from 100 credits per month

Online, Email, and Phone Support

Full contacts history

Get more info at:

WHY SignalHire:

The most effortless way to find anyone's email address and phone number

All the details are searched and verified on a real-time basis!

Export of found contacts to CSV files

An open API to enrich profiles

Acquiring contact details in bulk

Team accounts with no limit on seats

Trusted by leaders from Amazon, IHS Markit, WellCare Health Plans, MongoDB and many more


Everyone who needs someone's contact details: recruitment, sales, business development & marketing managers, headhunters, lead generators, account managers, and everyone else.

Individual professionals and big teams

Anyone using LinkedIn, Facebook, GitHub, Twitter

ABOUT SignalHire:

SignalHire provides you with anyone's email and phone number. Every contact detail is found and verified in a real-time mode.

Unlike all other extensions, SignalHire doesn't show contact info that was found long before. Each time a brand-new search is conducted at your request!

SignalHire suits everyone from individuals to companies with 10,000 employees including Amazon, IHS Markit, WellCare Health Plans, MongoDB, to name but a few.

Twiter: @SignalHire
Questions? Drop us a line at

User Reviews

Andrew HairsApr 1, 2022
A good product for gaining quick access to contact information. i have used a few of these types of apps and found Signal Hire to provide the accurate information and more importantly great support from their team.
Kater DanfordAug 16, 2021

Mary and Ria have been suuuuper helpful, generous and patient. After comparing Apollo, Lusha, RocketReach Upleads it became clear that SignalHire had the best value and consistent helpful communication. I am only getting started and have raised my momentum forward 2xs because I have the phone #, mostly cell to reach the most obscure CEO.

My colleague was plagued by entering in SalesForce contacts and this will save him so much time, he's elated and grateful for finding you.

Thank you, Kater

Jordie KernApr 16, 2021

Highly recommend Signal Hire. It's a great service when you need to find a phone or email for someone. Mary is a terrific rep too!

Gaurav SinghJan 6, 2021

Signal Hire Support Team - Dear Signal Hire support team, thank you so much for solving issue with bulk contacts search. You have saved my life today and I cant thank you enough for the outstanding work you all are doing everyday. Your recommendations and expertise are valuable to us. Keep them coming. Happy New Year 2021 once again.

Laura kJun 5, 2020

Absolutely love this extension! It's a huge timesaver and the SignalHire team is extremely receptive to suggestions. All of my requests have been promptly dealt with and I love the look and feel of the app. Being able to export painlessly from someone's LinkedIn straight to your ATS is wonderful! Best recruitment extension available!

Common Questions & Answers 
about SignalHire Extension

Sign up with your business email and get access to SignalHire immediately. No credit card required. The free trial plan allows you to retrieve 5 contact details, after that you’ll be asked to upgrade.

Click the Get Contacts button to get phone numbers, verified emails and social networks. Clicking the button subtracts 1 contact if at least 1 email address is returned. You can update the credits anytime.

The SignalHire Browser Extension helps you get contact information (emails, phones, social networks) on individual profiles on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, GitHub, Google+ and Meetup. Dribbble, Gmail, Xing, Quora etc. are coming soon. Install and click the Get Contacts button in your browser.

Yes, you can stop subscription of your monthly package anytime and we won’t charge you for the next month. So, do not forget to cancel your subscription beforehand.

Yes, you can invite an unlimited number of recruiters and hiring managers (we do not charge per seat), all the contacts are shared between the team.

Please contact us at or give us a call at (+1) 650 918-5895