Diversity, uniqueness, entireness

Database of 670M+ candidates collected from all over the WEB!

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SignalHire is used by 3 000 000+  professionals and leading companies
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Candidates absent on LinkedIn

Profiles with work experience
Emails & phone numbers
Links to social media other than LinkedIn
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Kater Danford

Northeast Color
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Customer success team has been suuuuper helpful, generous and patient. After comparing Apollo, Lusha, RocketReach Upleads it became clear that SignalHire had the best value and consistent helpful communication. I am only getting started and have raised my momentum forward 2xs because I have the phone #, mostly cell to reach the most obscure CEO.
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Candidate breakdown pool by industries

10M+ IT candidates
5M+ Marketers & Advertisers
3M+ Banking employees
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Candidate breakdown pool by seniority

2.5M+ CEOs, Founders, C-level
1.5M+ Senior
1M+ Junior specialists candidates
Get more out of your recruiting strategy

Connect directly with the right decision makers, 
using the world's largest and most accurate 
database of emails and direct dials.

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In-built ATS

Get a clear picture of the whole hiring process in one place. Pick individuals from a list of recommended matches and then easily manage them by dragging and dropping through each hiring stage. Also mark individuals worthy of your attention, set deadlines for working with each individual, and forward resumes to employers right from the recruitment board.

Enrich every single candidate

Enroll every lead, contact, and candidate in the right tracking process by connecting to your favorite ATS. Use up-to-date data to reach out to the candidates you need.
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