Need to find a person’s LinkedIn profile but you have only their email address or phone number?

Thanks to SignalHire, an email and a phone extractor that accumulates over 400 million individual profiles from social networks, and it’s free Chrome extension you can now find a person’s LinkedIn profile by email address or phone number and in a few clicks.

How to find a LinkedIn profile by email address

Finding a person’s LinkedIn profile by email address is easier than you think. You just need to take a couple of easy steps and allow your recruiting, sales, or marketing team to quickly find social profiles they need.

Once you installed the SignalHire Chrome extension to your browser, copy the person’s email address to your clipboard. (Don't worry if you don’t have it on your laptop. You can also type an email address in the search field and still find a person’s LinkedIn profile).
Click on the SignalHire icon in the upper right corner of the window to start using the extension. You’ll see a square pop-up that will later allow you to quickly find the necessary LinkedIn profile by email.
Paste the email address that you copied to your clipboard in the search field of the pop-up.
Press the “Find Profile” button to request a person’s LinkedIn profile.
Now you can see a preview of the necessary LinkedIn profile. To reveal it and export the contact information to your ATS and CRM providers, explore the respective fields - “Reveal contacts” and “Actions with profile”.

How to find LinkedIn profile using a phone number

Now you know that you can find a person’s LinkedIn profile by email address within a few clicks. But what if all the contact information you have is just a phone number?

The SignalHire Chrome extension has got you covered! Using a person’s phone number, you can find a LinkedIn profile you need as quickly as by email address. The steps are the same.

Copy a person’s phone number to your clipboard. You can also have the numbers written in your notebook or prepare them in any other convenient place for you.
Сlick on the SignalHire icon in the upper right corner of the window to start using the extension. You’ll see a square pop-up that will later allow you to quickly find the necessary LinkedIn profile by a phone number.
Paste the phone number that you copied to your clipboard or type the numbers in the search field of the pop-up.
Press the “Find Profile” button to request the LinkedIn profile of a person.
Here’s the preview of the person’s LinkedIn profile. To reveal the full profile and export the contact information to your ATS and CRM providers, explore the respective fields: “Reveal contacts” and “Actions with profile”.

Companies directory

Browse the most popular companies via SignalHire and get contact information about them and their employees. Search among 10 million companies.